Still called the Family Values Tour, this blog now detours into our latest adventure -- building our house in Volcano, HI.

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

New Year's Eve 08-09

We did a nice show off of Waikiki Beach to bring in the New Year. It was a typical Huki Pau show that we gotten pretty good with by now. Here's a few shots of the Huki Pau locked and loaded and heading out to position.


Here is someone's video shot from the beach, though just a couple minutes of the show. It's not too bad but a little zoom would have helped show the fireworks a little better.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Waianae Comprehensive Health Center

We took a hike up to Waianae Comp where they have been working on some garden areas over the past few years. It's just spectacular up there and they keep adding to it all the time.


Friday, December 26, 2008

Nice to be in Hawaii

It was a great relief to leave winter behind and jump over to Hawaii for awhile. Awesome weather and some leisure time in Waianae with the folks and the dogs. Always nice to be back!


Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Winter Time in Portland

Had some serious snow, for Portland that is. Depending on which weather person you were listening to, it was the worst storm in 20 or 40 years. Regardless, Portland isn't prepared for snow so it must not happen often. The streets here were never plowed, ever. They just waited for it to melt. And, we barely got out for trip to Hawaii on Christmas Day. Thanks to Paul, the kindly neighbor who got up at 6am and drove us there in his 4 wheel drive (with chains). Paul's getting some of the finest coffee Hawaii has to offer for that little favor!


Here's an outside shot and an inside shot of Jake's Place -- a snug little pool hall nearby. Good beer on tap and free wi-fi. Some not-too-shabby pool players as well.

Thursday, December 04, 2008

Ransom to Portland Day 3

Wow, has it been a long time since I've posted anything this outdated inter-web-site. Well, for my own purpose I'll go ahead and post the Day 3 route.

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Ransom to Portland Day 2

Was 70° while driving yesterday and a mere 17° when I awoke this morning -- and it was snowing. Turned out when I awoke, I had to boost earlier than I wanted to as it was snowing hard and I still had to cross the elevation crown located between Cheyenne and Laramie. Made it though -- all the way to Burley, ID! Between Northern UT & Southern ID there's some beauty that rivals the best -- Anywhere, HI. Gorgeous.


Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Ransom to Portland Day 1

Made some good miles and found a nice economy hotel in Cheyenne. It was a pretty uneventful drive being mostly comprised of plains both western KS and eastern CO. Had to burn right on by some old friends from Hawaii who now live in Greeley, CO. Would have been nice to see them but I got word snow was coming and I didn't want to get caught in the country's mid-section watching soaps in a hotel room, drinking cheap beer.


Monday, December 01, 2008

Little Piece of Heaven

After some good times in Eastern KS, naturally some good times in Western KS were in order. Funny thing popped into my head as I shot this shot. A place like Ransom, KS -- on first impression -- might seem to have nothing going for it. Truth is, unless you're from there or have connections to it you'd probably never get past that first impression. In fact, there's a whole lot going on, but unlike a place like Chicago, San Francisco or New York (where anyone might go, pay their admission price and have their experience) people just tend to blow on by places like Ransom. The stuff that is going on in place like Ransom is the rich, taffy-thick interpersonal shit that a good writer can do wonders with, but all I have is a camera.


I joined my first Facebook group - "I grew up on a dirt road in Kansas!"

Friday, November 28, 2008

Resting on the Kickapoo Res

Spent some much needed R&R in Horton on the res. After some rest and good eats over T-day, we enjoyed Bob's new man cave -- we thoroughly broke it in. Such good fun with such good friends. I still can't get my mind off Wathe's cleavage.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


On one of the days that we were preparing pontoons, a shamal came up out of no where and blew a hellish amount of sand over everything. It was pretty difficult trying to keep the sand out of eyes, ears and throat!


Sunday, November 16, 2008

Setting up the East Fronds

We started working in our assigned area (C32) on 11/14/2008. Our objective was to setup over 100 small floating pontoons to be used to light the water channels between each of the "fronds" on the east side of the palm. The fronds are where the houses are constructed so each house has a small beach off their backyard.

The pontoons each held 8 cakes (the first five being smaller diameter cakes as the waterway is narrower closer to the trunk). The cakes were set on the platform in order, secured using bailing wire and then their igniters wired into a firing panel. Finally, they were covered with plastic and towed to their location where each was secured with multiple anchors. It took 3 days prepare and place each pontoon another 3 days interconnect them all and make connections to the shore.


Friday, November 14, 2008


Though we were all assigned to specific locations (4 separate areas of the show), everyone worked in C8 for the first 2 days while we waited for a shipment of product. Once it arrived, like all the equipment, the amount was mind boggling.


Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Massive Amounts of Fireworks Equipment

We started working on 11/12/2008 in an area known as C8. The scale of this show became apparent once I saw all the equipment to be used. This equipment was all new and came directly from China. At a briefing, we learned that there was to be over 100,000 fireworks for the whole show.



Saturday, November 08, 2008

Hotel Location

Located very close to the Palm Jumeirah where we'll soon be working for a couple weeks straight through, the neighborhood is kind of interesting. The satellite view is dated now as many of these areas are far more developed than shown. We're right near Media City, Internet City and Knowledge Village. I already feel smarter.

View Larger Map

Arrived in Dubai

Got into Dubai on Saturday morning at about 6am. I was beat as sleeping on airplanes has never really worked out for me. Got my couple cases of beer at the Duty Free (one can't buy beer here without a special license) and caught a cab to my hotel. By the time I arrived at the hotel I had a pretty awful headache so I downed some aspirin and took a nap.

I awoke a couple hours ready to check out the surrounding neighborhood.

Dubai is basically a massive construction zone. It's actually difficult to walk anywhere as the sidewalks are all disrupted by so many buildings going up. With the construction and the surrounding desert -- it's a really dirty place. Nevertheless, there's a lot of people here trying find some degree of opportunity. There is a lot of money here; clearly a playground for the wealthy.

These pictures aren't great but give some sense of what my neighborhood is like.


Tuesday, November 04, 2008

The Haarlem ride

A freakin amazing ride out of Haarlem.


Dutch Transport

Try to tell me these people ain't got dey shit t'gether


The Netherlands!

Tom and I rented bicycles in Haarlem and headed for the sea -- we sort of wondered all over the place but found plenty of places for some well deserved R & R along the way. We started the ride with fresh Herring Sandwiches (with pickles and onions) they were selling in Grote Markt:

View Larger Map

The route below is the best I can do from memory, but I think it is pretty close to the route we took. Riding bikes in Holland is such a treat -- it's clearly the preferred vehicle here. It's interesting that almost no one wears a helmet, but when you consider how safe the Dutch have made riding a bike through town it makes good sense. I'll post some pics from this ride as soon as I get them off my camera.

View Larger Map

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

A fun weekend at Amy & Kate's!

Spent last weekend at Amy & Kate's in Putnam Valley (10/17-20/08). Arana, Alex, and Ryan came up; we had a pretty good time -- even got some work done. We went to a pumpkin extravaganza and a haunted hose blowout; it is the Headless Horseman Home Country after all. There must have been hundreds of pumpkins there. I'm no longer with my good camera (left behind in Kansas) so I have to make due with the iPhone for a bit and it's junk. As you'll see here Oliver, Gracious and Molson are all doing well. Should have gotten a snap of the chickens. Next time.


Sunday, October 05, 2008

Sunday with the Faye & Johnny's

Our good friends of what is now turning into several years -- Faye & Johnny -- had us out to their home on Staten Island. It was good to see the kids growing up as they do. Good folks. We went out and about (I'd never been to Staten Island before -- well not past the turn around point at the ferry). Went to a little park and a pumpkin thing -- nearing Halloween. For dinner we went to a great place called Killmeyer's Old Bavarian Inn. The food and beer were divine. It's worth the trip alone just to see the amazing bar built in something like 1859. Ate plenty of wurst and sauerkraut. And even took in some of The Happy Tones good-ass Oktoberfest polka. Emily and John Hudson danced the chicken polka.


Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Wow, this bugger got out of date fast....

So we spent a week in Ransom and then a week in Horton. Had a great time seeing family and friends. Finally visited the noteworthy Philly's in Farieview, KS. A good little bar with good pub food.

We're now in NYC and enjoying the city. Lots of work to do so there might not be many posts from here, but I hope to take it up again soon when I get to Amsterdam and then Dubai. Stay tuned.

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Ransom, KS

We arrived Sunday, 8/31/08, to the midwestern metropolis of Ransom, KS -- a favorite vacationing spot for misplaced Hawaiians. Was a nice drive south through the country side; winds were blowing several gales strong so most cattle were leaning sideways. Stopped into Hill City (birthplace of Shane) to get him a t-shirt. Local residents were damn helpful in trying to locate one, but there was none to be had. Now that word is out that the tourists are looking for t-shirts there's likely to be hundreds available next year and, of course, none of them will sell.

Look for some very rural photos soon on flickr.

Phillipsburg - Ransom.png

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Badlands National Park > Phillipsburg, KS

Phillipsburg? Well we were bound for Norton but it is Labor Day weekend and they were having the sprint track races (they were awesome -- several wrecks which always livens things up a bit) and so all the hotels were booked. Luckily, we found one in Phillipsburg at about 11pm and got a good night's sleep. Not sure if the crash pictures came out, but if they did, they'll be on flickr.

Badlands - Phillipsburg, KS.png

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Deadwood, SD > Badlands National Park

We finally left Deadwood after 3 days there. Fun little town, mostly gambling and old west street shows, but the saloons are pretty good. Found one place that advertised itself as "the only museum with a bar" which is a nice combination -- edutainment, if you will.

We left and headed toward Mt Rushmore and more of the Black Hills. That was enjoyable. Was going to visit the Crazy Horse monument, but it was visible from the road and thus we didn't feel like paying the $30 to see it closer. They got a long way to go on this monument; perhaps Emily's kids will see it finished.

We then ventured on over to Badlands, NP and got there for some really nice evening lighting. I have pictures of a lot of this, but I'll put them on flickr as it'd get too crowded here.

Deadwood - Badlands.png

Friday, August 29, 2008

Newest Iteration of our Travel Plans

Plans are always changing, but here's the latest version:

8/28/08 - 9/2/08 Badlands NP

9/2/08 - 9/9/08 Ransom, KS

9/9/08 - 9/15/08 Horton, KS

9/15/08 - 11/8/08 NYC, Washington, MA, etc

11/1/08 > Portland (Bliss & Emily)

11/8/08 > Dubai (Shawn)

~December > South America (all of us)

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Yellowstone NP > Deadwood SD

Yellowstone to Deadwood.png

Some 500 miles of road behind us yesterday and now we're in Deadwood. Have found Al yet but I'm looking around; seems every Al I know is a philosopher. Kind of a fun town, but haven't seen much yet. Lots of gambling but that don't thrill me. Going to go weep over Wild Bill and Calamity Jane's tombstones today. Might have a drink too.