Still called the Family Values Tour, this blog now detours into our latest adventure -- building our house in Volcano, HI.

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Ransom to Portland Day 2

Was 70° while driving yesterday and a mere 17° when I awoke this morning -- and it was snowing. Turned out when I awoke, I had to boost earlier than I wanted to as it was snowing hard and I still had to cross the elevation crown located between Cheyenne and Laramie. Made it though -- all the way to Burley, ID! Between Northern UT & Southern ID there's some beauty that rivals the best -- Anywhere, HI. Gorgeous.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

I figured you had probably set up a trip blog, but hadn't gotten around to checking it out 'till now. Looks like you're having a great time. The invitation to stay w/ us is still open if you're down our way. Mardi Gras is Feb 24th........