Still called the Family Values Tour, this blog now detours into our latest adventure -- building our house in Volcano, HI.

Monday, December 01, 2008

Little Piece of Heaven

After some good times in Eastern KS, naturally some good times in Western KS were in order. Funny thing popped into my head as I shot this shot. A place like Ransom, KS -- on first impression -- might seem to have nothing going for it. Truth is, unless you're from there or have connections to it you'd probably never get past that first impression. In fact, there's a whole lot going on, but unlike a place like Chicago, San Francisco or New York (where anyone might go, pay their admission price and have their experience) people just tend to blow on by places like Ransom. The stuff that is going on in place like Ransom is the rich, taffy-thick interpersonal shit that a good writer can do wonders with, but all I have is a camera.


I joined my first Facebook group - "I grew up on a dirt road in Kansas!"

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Bruddah Shawn,
Wow, that's a seriously inspiring description. Maybe I'll go one day.
