Still called the Family Values Tour, this blog now detours into our latest adventure -- building our house in Volcano, HI.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Deadwood, SD > Badlands National Park

We finally left Deadwood after 3 days there. Fun little town, mostly gambling and old west street shows, but the saloons are pretty good. Found one place that advertised itself as "the only museum with a bar" which is a nice combination -- edutainment, if you will.

We left and headed toward Mt Rushmore and more of the Black Hills. That was enjoyable. Was going to visit the Crazy Horse monument, but it was visible from the road and thus we didn't feel like paying the $30 to see it closer. They got a long way to go on this monument; perhaps Emily's kids will see it finished.

We then ventured on over to Badlands, NP and got there for some really nice evening lighting. I have pictures of a lot of this, but I'll put them on flickr as it'd get too crowded here.

Deadwood - Badlands.png

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