Still called the Family Values Tour, this blog now detours into our latest adventure -- building our house in Volcano, HI.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Portland > Coeur D'Alene

We left Portland on Monday the 18th. Not knowing until the last minute exactly how we were going to get to Glacier NP, we decided to just head out of Portland and follow the Columbia River Gorge. As long as we remained in the National Forest area, it was quite nice, but then it got pretty boring. Once we got into Spokane there was an awful amount of smoke--must have been a large forest fire somewhere. So we traveled onto Idaho and found an awesome area next to a lake - Coeur D'Alene. Our camping site was good, but not great. There was a highway too close by and the sites were pretty close together. At night an awful big wind came through and nearly collapsed our tent, then came the rain, then came the thunderstorms. Luckily, we had an opening in the sky the next morning to pack up and head out.

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