Still called the Family Values Tour, this blog now detours into our latest adventure -- building our house in Volcano, HI.

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Classroom Electrified!

I just spoke with Kristen (who is spending the week in Sauri training teachers) and she reported that electricity has reached the classroom where the teacher training is being held! Yesterday Prof Vijay Modi (Columbia Engineering School) and I decided what was necessary, I spent the better part of the morning trying to locate the materials to make an outdoor electrical extension between the clinic's generator and the classroom (run along a barbed wire fence in a semi-permanent installation). I was able to get what we needed at an electrical shop here in Kisumu and send them out on the next vehicle. The Electrical Committee (there are committiees responsible for managing each of the various MVP efforts in Kisumu) took charge immediately and installed the extension. Kristen reported today that she was able to teach this morning with the projector that we brought over, allowing everyone to see much better what was on the screen (you'll recall those pictures earlier of everyone crowding around the laptop ;-).

1 comment:

Shawn Mishler said...

I understand it went much better. Yesterday the teacher were learning how to use a digital camera, transfer those pictures into iPhoto and organize them in order to compile a picture-based story.