Still called the Family Values Tour, this blog now detours into our latest adventure -- building our house in Volcano, HI.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Drunks in the night

fire_alarm.jpgFor some reason there are a bunch of youngsters in our hotel (20-somethings) and the other night a few of them got drunked up a bit and one of them had the bright idea of pulling the fire alarm at 3:30 am. Everyone else is the hotel, being sober, did as they are supposed to and grabbed some clothing and headed for the fire exit and out onto the sidewalk. It was cold outdoors. We all stood around, shivering, out on the sidewalk waiting to see our earthly possessions get converted to ash, but all we could see was a young kid staggering up and down the stairs appearing variously in this window and then that. The cops and then the firefighters appeared. They shut off the alarms and then let us know that someone had pulled the alarm. I suspect, being the only guy left stumbling around inside and wreaking of cheap beer, the guy kind of gave himself away. And, I'll bet he's regretting his shenanigans once the fire department handed him his bill for hiring them that evening.

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