Still called the Family Values Tour, this blog now detours into our latest adventure -- building our house in Volcano, HI.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Progress in Addis

Amir and I have just finished 2 of the 3 surveys (rather the data entry worksheets and their corresponding databases). Amir is very computer savvy, so we're making great progress and have even thought up a couple of improvements that will hopefully decrease the amount of time needed to enter data as well as the chance for errors.

Yesterday, I spent what might be my last day at Ethiopian Immigration. I have a visa! I'm going to miss those folks (having visited them every business day since arriving in the country). Though the derg ended in, what 1991?, I can confidently report that communist protocols are alive and well at the immigration office. It's a great routine. Go to room 89, desk 1 desk 2 desk 3 desk 4 desk 5, come back tomorrow and begin in room 91 ... come back tomorrow. If I didn't know better I would think they just enoyed my company. Though I personally conversed with no fewer than a dozen people to get my visa, they only charged me $20. Since there's very few communist vestiges left in the world I consider myself lucky to have gotten to experience one.

Seriously, Ethiopia has been great. The food is fantastic and unbelievably cheap. Today 4 of us had lunch for about $5 total! Beer is less than $1 per bottle and the coffee is outstanding. This weekend I will hopefully (assuming there is no necessary trip to immigration) go north to Mekele/Koraro. Not seeing anything but Addis (and that's only been the Earth Institute Office and Immigration) would be a shame.

I'll close with a fabulous African adage I read recently:

When the old lady disappears, the hyenas start shitting gray hair.

That's a good one. ;-) Deuhna seunbetu.

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