Still called the Family Values Tour, this blog now detours into our latest adventure -- building our house in Volcano, HI.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

A fun weekend at Amy & Kate's!

Spent last weekend at Amy & Kate's in Putnam Valley (10/17-20/08). Arana, Alex, and Ryan came up; we had a pretty good time -- even got some work done. We went to a pumpkin extravaganza and a haunted hose blowout; it is the Headless Horseman Home Country after all. There must have been hundreds of pumpkins there. I'm no longer with my good camera (left behind in Kansas) so I have to make due with the iPhone for a bit and it's junk. As you'll see here Oliver, Gracious and Molson are all doing well. Should have gotten a snap of the chickens. Next time.


Sunday, October 05, 2008

Sunday with the Faye & Johnny's

Our good friends of what is now turning into several years -- Faye & Johnny -- had us out to their home on Staten Island. It was good to see the kids growing up as they do. Good folks. We went out and about (I'd never been to Staten Island before -- well not past the turn around point at the ferry). Went to a little park and a pumpkin thing -- nearing Halloween. For dinner we went to a great place called Killmeyer's Old Bavarian Inn. The food and beer were divine. It's worth the trip alone just to see the amazing bar built in something like 1859. Ate plenty of wurst and sauerkraut. And even took in some of The Happy Tones good-ass Oktoberfest polka. Emily and John Hudson danced the chicken polka.


Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Wow, this bugger got out of date fast....

So we spent a week in Ransom and then a week in Horton. Had a great time seeing family and friends. Finally visited the noteworthy Philly's in Farieview, KS. A good little bar with good pub food.

We're now in NYC and enjoying the city. Lots of work to do so there might not be many posts from here, but I hope to take it up again soon when I get to Amsterdam and then Dubai. Stay tuned.